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Electronic Fundamentals

Posted By matt rifaldi

Basic Electricity Trainer Plug-in Component Circuit Matrix Trainer

Labtech’s Basic Electricity Trainer is a modular course covering the fundamentals, concepts, theory and applications of electricity.  It is designed as a starter course to provide new students with a good solid grounding in this area, which is so important for future studies.  The basic electricity training program is ideal as one of the first courses for students studying electrical disciplines.
Model Number: EFT-ELC-1

Basic Electricity Trainer PCB Modular Trainer (5 PCB Modules)

Labtech’s Basic Electricity Trainer is a modular course covering the fundamentals, concepts, theory and applications of electricity.  It is designed as a starter course to provide new students with a good solid grounding in this area, which is so important for future studies.  The basic electricity training program is ideal as one of the first courses for students studying electrical disciplines.
Model Number: EFT-ELC-2

Circuit Based Training Series
Circuit Based Training Series

Circuit based training boards by topic groups to address specific training needs.  This makes it easier for teachers and instructors to target upgrading specific skills for their training programs.  These boards are designed for circuit based training and provide many examples of operational circuits relevant to each series topic.  The boards are clearly laid out and require the students to connect key parts of the circuit as part of the exercises.
Model Number: EFT-ETX-1

Basic Electronic Trainer Component and Circuit Based (7 PCB Modules)

Labtech’s Basic Electronics Trainer is a modular course covering the fundamentals, concepts, theory and applications of electronics.  It is designed as a starter course to provide new students with a good solid grounding in this area, before going on to specialized studies.  The basic electronics training program is ideal for basic and intermediate studies in this field.
Model Number: EFT-ETX-2

Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals Trainer

Labtech’s Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals Trainer is a modular course covering the concepts, theory and applications of basic electricity and electronics that are required for technicians.  This comprehensive course is presented in a systematic way starting the student out at the beginning covering basic theory and measurements with meters.
Model Number: EFT-BEE-1

Digital Logic Trainer

Labtech’s Digital Trainer is a modular course covering concepts, theory and applications for digital electronics training. It is designed start the student with the basics of digital technology and goes onto advanced digital topics. The level of training is further extended with the applications boards which allow the student to apply his knowledge to real circuit applications.
Model Number: EFT-DT

Industrial Electronics Trainer (Featuring Power Electronics)

The Industrial Electronics Trainer is a modular course covering fundamentals, concepts, theory and applications of industrial and power electronics in common industry use for controlling electrical systems, machines and processes.  It covers power electronics technology such as power switching devices, control circuits, three phase systems and applications of devices.
Model Number: EFT-IPX-1

Basic Fiber Trainer with Opto Electronics Fundamentals

This high-tech lab course demonstrates the use of opto electronic devices in a wide range of applications including office copy machines, biomedical instruments, telephone communications, aircraft equipment, consumer products and motor vehicles.  It covers state-of-the-art devices used in applying opto devices to electric power, digital communications.
Model Number: EFT-OPE-1

Electronics Applications Boards

Labtech’s series of electronics applications boards extend and complement the capabilities of our analogue and digital electronics training systems.  They offer sample functional circuits, which are applications of the theory learned in our electronics trainers.  Each board comes with its own lab manual to guide students through the exercises.  The modules can fit in our standard base stations which can be ordered separately.
Model Number: EFT-EAB-1

Electronics Laboratory Base Station

The Laboratory Base Station serves as the platform for carrying out the student experiments.  The Base Station provide all primary needs of the experiment requirements such as power supplies, Potentiometers, switches and data switches, clock generator, data display, speaker etc.  The laboratory base station is available in 3 models.  Each model has special features that are required by the component modules in order to perform the experiments.
Model Number: EFT-LBS-1

Electronics Training Systems

Labtech’s Electronics Trainer is a modular system covering fundamentals, concepts, theory and applications of electronics.  It is designed as a starter course to provide students with a solid grounding in this area before moving to specialized studies.  The electronics training program is ideal for basic and intermediate studies in this field.  The trainer includes a base station with a number of modular boards that match the experiments.
Model Number: EFT-ETS

Operational Amplifier Trainer

Labtech’s Operational Amplifier Trainers are a modular system covering the fundamentals, concepts, theory and applications of op Amp circuits.  It is designed as a more in-depth course with operational amplifier application circuits.  The experiments are ideal for further studies in op amp and provide more application circuits than previous study in Labtech Basic Electronics Trainer.
Model Number: EFT-OPA

Electronic Fundamentals
Analog and Digital Communications Trainers

Labtech offers a series of trainers for educational programs involving communications studies.  These trainers are all designed in a modular format using our base station and PCB module approach in order to make the program both comprehensive and flexible for both the student and the teacher.  The training course is divided into separate sections for Analog and Digital Communications.
Model Number: EFT-ACB-1

Biomedical Instrumentation Trainer

The Labtech Biomedical Instrumentation Trainer is designed for use in technical education programs where technicians are to be trained for positions in hospital equipment maintenance, medical research and medical equipment sales and service.  The trainer consists of a base frame station into which are slotted in a number of modular boards that match the experiments.
Model Number: EFT-BIO-3

Sensor and Tranducer Trainer

The trainer is suitable for learning about Temperature, Force, Torque, Pressure, Displacement, Angle, Speed , Light and Sound types of transducers and their instrumentation circuits. The technique to convert non-electrical variables into electrical signal that has meaningful variables using appropriate instrumentation circuit is explored.
Model Number: EFT-STT SERIES