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Biomedical Electronics Fundamental Lab

Posted By Labtech Penta International

Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals Trainer

Labtech’s Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals Trainer is a modular course covering the concepts, theory and applications of basic electricity and electronics that are required for technicians. This comprehensive course is presented in a systematic way starting the student out at the beginning covering basic theory and measurements with meters. It then progress to fundamental theorems and laws with basic circuits and principles of magnetism and AC/DC power. Next various type of devices are covered suction resistors, capacitors, diodes, semiconductors etc. From here the student proceeds on with various types of circuits such as power supplies, emitter, Amps, Op Amps and then finished with basic concepts of Digital Logic Circuits with some applications for AD and DA conversion, counters and decoders.

Model Number: EFT-BEE

Digital Logic Trainer

Labtech’s Digital Trainer is a modular course covering concepts, theory and applications for digital electronics training. It is designed start the student with the basics of digital technology and goes onto advanced digital topics. The level of training is further extended with the applications boards which allow the student to apply his knowledge to real circuit applications. The modules are designed to work with the base station which provides common facilities that are required for the experiments. The base station features a multiple output power supply, clock generator, logic indicator, data switches, toggle switches, push buttons, pulsars and seven segment displays.

Model Number: EFT-DT Series

Basic Electrical Measurement Trainer

The Labtech Basic Electrical Measurement Trainer is ideal for learning the fundamentals of electrical measurement. The trainer provides a set of components modules which are specially designed fro performing all experiments of electrical measurements. The experiments will guide the students in learning the theory and practical aspects of basic electrical measurements as well as the use of various instrumentations. The students are encouraged to explore the electrical circuit deeper by creating many different circuits which is possible because the modular components system allows the students to replace or add components individually.

Model Number: LFT-BEM

8088 Microprocessor Trainer

CMM-8088 is a powerful, general purpose micro computer trainer which can be operated either with 8086 CPU or 8088 CPU. It is usually supplied with 8086 CPU. To install 8088 CPU, user has to just remove the 8086, install 8088 and set a DIP switch. In either case, the CPU is configured for operating in the Max. mode. On-board provision exists for installing 8087 Numeric Data Processor. The system is versatile and can be configured in a variety of ways via jumper options, to suit specific user requirements. The basic system can be easily expanded through the System Bus connectors. 32K Bytes of powerful firmware provides keyboard monitor, serial monitor, single-line assembler, disassembler and driver programs for Centronics compatible parallel printer interface. The software for the optional PROM programmer interface and audio cassette interface is also included in the firm ware. E-8088 is supported with comprehensive and user-friendly documentation.

Model Number: CMM-8088

PIC Programmer

The CMM-PIC-1 is designed as a tool to allow Students and developers to program PIC Microcontroller’s. It is a powerful and flexible system that provides a user friendly environment to carry out a large variety of programming application tasks. The CMM-PIC-1 comes complete with the development programming board and Programming Software. The PIC programmer is used for downloading a specific program for controlling the experiment modules such as, temperature control, speed control and traffic light control.

Model Number: CMM-PIC-1

Biomedical Instrumentation Trainer, Advanced Unit

The Labtech Biomedical Instrumentation Trainer is designed for use in technical education programs where technicians are to be trained for positions in hospital equipment maintenance, medical research and medical equipment sales and service. The trainer consists of a base frame station into which are slotted in a number of modular boards that match the experiments. Experiments cover basic electronic instrumentation, operational amplifier, differential amplifier, instrumentational amplifier, Low pass filter, High pass filter, Notch filter, Signal rectifier, Isolation circuit with opto-isolator, Signal conditioning & transducer circuits, data acquisition & computer interface. A two separate power supplies are included to operate the modules which require isolated power supply for frontend amplifier and regulated supply for the data-acquisition interface. Instrumentation, transducers and accessories that are required to support the training module boards are provided.

Model Number: EFT-BIO-3