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Complete Vehicles

Posted By matt rifaldi

Sectioned Automobile Chassis

The Labtech sectioned automobile chassis features all original automotive parts which have been fitted onto a specially made chassis that is similar to the original vehicle. These sectioned vehicles are excellent for showing students the inter-relationships between components of an actual car. The power train features the engine, transmission, rear axle and rear wheels of the car (including the brakes).
Model Number: TVH-SCP-1

Sectioned Motorcycles

The Labtech Sectioned Motor cycles are produced from original full size motor cycles of Japanese make, such as Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Vespa, etc. These units are excellent for showing students the inter-relationships between the operational components of a complete motorcycle.The entire motorcycle has been expertly sectioned to show all major internal components and operational parts.
Model Number: TVH-MCA-1

Training Automobile Chassis

These trainers are fully reconditioned vehicles that have been specially modified so that all parts, components and wiring are easily accessible for student work. These vehicles are ideal for training and performing practical exercises such as steering and wheel alignment, tune up, lubrication servicing, brake adjustment, electrical trouble shooting and studying general system characteristics.
Model Number: TVH-OCP-1

Sectioned Farm Tractors

These are sectioned original farm tractors as used on small and medium sized farms for general agricultural purposes. These units are excellent for demonstrating the construction of tractors and the inter-relationships between the components. The power train is driven by an electric motor which rotates the engine, transmission, axle and wheels at slow speed for observation.
Model Number: TVH-FTS-1

Motorcycle for Training Practice

These trainers are fully reconditioned or new motor cycles that are ideal for training and performing practical exercises such as steering and suspension work, tune up, lubrication servicing, brake adjustment, electrical troubleshooting and studying general system characteristics.
Model Number: TVH-OM-1

Automotive Half Car Trainers

These series of trainers are based on half cut car bodies which have been fully reconditioned and specially modified for training. These units facilitate the training of the participant to understand the major principles concerning operation and service of vehicles. The student can understand both the integration & operation of the car engine with the electrical, braking, steering, suspension and air conditioning systems.
Model Number: TVH-HCT-1