On September 11, 2013 in Krabi, Thailand, Steven Hicks, Labtech’s Manager of 21st Century Skills Division, gave the keynote address at the Annual International Seminar on Open and Distance Learning co-conducted by SEAMOLEC and the Office of Vocational Education Commission (OVEC), Ministry of Education, Thailand. The theme of the seminar was “Open and Distance Learning and Partnership among Southeast Asian Educational Institutions towards ASEAN Community 2015”.
Among the many excellent and informative speakers, Mr. Hicks’ keynote addressed the topic of, “Enhancing Organizational Capacity to Infuse Teaching and Learning with 21st Century Solutions”. Mr. Hicks stressed the need of Ministries to allocate a percentage of ICT budget’s towards developing robust info-culture in schools and the importance of effective, formative teacher assessment and profiling of ICT capability.