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MOU Signing Between Labtech and SEAMEO TED

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MOU Signing Between Labtech and SEAMEO TED

Posted By Labtech Penta International

Labtech delegates were in Cambodia for signing MOU with SEAMEO TED. The signing of this MOU was witnessed by 1 of the Minister from MOLV that was held on SEAMEO TED Governing Board meeting held on 24th and 25th October in Cambodia. Labtech is represented by Mr. Shafiek Sultan who is Regional Marketing Manager (ASIA) of Labtech and SEAMEO TED itself was represented by Dr. Doung who is the Director of SEAMEO TED). Dr Wahyudi Deputy Director from SEAMEO Bangkok was there and all Governing Board from all the 11 Countries were present and Dr Doung of SEAMEO TED and all the SEAMEO delegates were very pleased that Shahrir Shafiek as Regional Marketing Manager Malaysia of Labtech presented our state of the art 21St Century skill Development Presentation. Labtech delegates also had the opportunity to meet with the National Polytechnic of Cambodia which is also under MOLV Vice President Mr. Seng and many other Delegates from the Ministry for MOLV and MOE of Cambodia.

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Written by Labtech Penta International