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Installation and Teachers Training program at BLK Don Bosco Sumba by Labtech International

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Installation and Teachers Training program at BLK Don Bosco Sumba by Labtech International

Posted By Labtech Penta International

Mr Brad and Mr Ferry Sugianto are on duty of Installation and Teachers Training program at BLK Don Bosco Budi Daya. They provide BLK Don Bosco Budi Daya uninterrupted access to Labtech Academy through local server supported by internet.

The Labtech-Academy features the latest technical and vocational content available online. Virtual TVET© is the latest generation of digital content for TVET designed by Labtech. It uses advanced game-based technology to assist students to see how things are constructed, how they work and to understand the relationships between systems. At Labtech we are pioneering new ways of visual learning which use advanced 3D gaming technology. Our aim is to provide learning that both complements and goes beyond traditional lab/workshop based training programs. Up until now we have only deployed our content inside client schools as it runs on local devices/servers offline. We are in the process of converting our digital content to run on the Labtech-Academy site which is perhaps the first online system to do this.

The Labtech-Academy can be used as a starting point for teachers and institutions to use digital learning for their students.  It is easy to use and easy to integrate into the curriculum.   If you wish to have our portal branded for your Institution you can contact the Labtech team at email: info@labtech-academy.com.

Students like it ! Virtual TVET is a modern and engaging way to learn and is a new way of learning created with modern connected digitally oriented people in mind.  This type of learning will increase the leaner motivation and therefore make the teacher’s job easier.

Provides a quick upgrade to your Institution’s curriculum – The content is designed with up-to-date references and technologies.  Virtual TVET is a quick way to present the latest information to your students.  For example, in Automotive we feature newer technologies such as engine management, electronic fuel injection, ABS, hybrid vehicles etc.   This will enable your students to increase their understanding about the new technologies in modern vehicles today.

Enables online and off-campus learning to “Flip-the Classroom” – This enables teachers and institutions to extend learning beyond the school.  This will increase the amount of learning and provide a way in times of crisis for students to continue learning at home.

Keeps your Curriculum up to date The Labtech-Academy is always adding new content to each subject area, so the number of topics will grow each year to reflect new changes and updates in technology.  This is an easy way to teach the latest and newest technology.

Industry 4.0 Ready and facilitates Life-Long Learning – Today’s students can benefit from online learning as they will incorporate new learning habits which will be useful life skills.   Life-Long-Learning is a feature of Industry 4.0.  Students need the ability to self-study and master new technologies as they are deployed by Industry.  Today’s fast pace of change demands constant learning in many positions in order to keep relevant.   So in fact the student will be learning as he will be working in the future.

Enhanced Assessments – Virtual-TVET features traditional and innovative assessments which provide the teacher with a more complete view and understanding on how each student is learning and progressing.  This information can be used for grading and for also assisting the student to overcome any difficulties that they maybe facing in understanding the subject matter.

Helping the TeacherVirtual TVET is designed to assist the teacher by helping the student through the theory and difficult or tedious parts of the learning process.  This reduces the amount of the teacher’s time spent on lectures, remedial learning and grading so that they can concentrate on mentoring practical skills in the lab.

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Written by Labtech Penta International