To learn the newest technological solutions and innovative strategies for improving teacher capacity, teaching pedagogies, and student learning process as well as developing future skills for students and teachers during the lockdown, the SEAMEO Secretariat collaborates with the globally educational partners who are governmental/development agencies and private enterprises in organizing the SEAMEO-Partners Lecture Series during January – February2021.
On this occasion Dr Steven McKee President of Labtech International and WorldDIDAC spoke about the Digital Development Framework for Educational Institutions on SEAMEO-Partners Lecture Series on Teacher Training Solutions on Thursday 28 January 2021 at 10.00 –11.30 hrs (Bangkok time)
The objectives of this webinar are to share the advanced knowledge/expertise and up-to-date solutions from the SEAMEO Partners that can contribute to teacher capacity development, improvement of teaching methods, student knowledge and future skills development, broaden the viewpoint in the technology used for education, provide free opportunities for ministry officials, teachers, and students to explore new technologies and innovative teaching solutions.
SEAMEO-Partners Lecture Series on Teacher Training Solutions session discussed about innovations in teacher training, strategies to improve new skills for teachers, and school capacity development opportunities.
On the other occasion Mr Brad as Digital Programs Manager LabTech International Ltd, Indonesia will speak about How Virtual TVET can have an Impact on Teachers and Students on Thursday 4 February 2021 at 10.00 –11.30 hrs (Bangkok time) on the SEAMEO-Partners Lecture Series on Innovative Teaching Solutions.
This session will share innovative applications / teaching aids to improve teaching pedagogies and classroom management.
Easy to join the session, please visit the YouTube Link or scan QR code: