International Webinar
On the Theme: Employment Opportunity in the Asian Region: Perspectives of Private Sector.
Wednesday, July 27, 2021, Time: 09:00-12:00 a.m. (Phnom Penh Time)
The participants are kindly required to register the Webinar by July 26, 2021 via the link:
The Southeast Asian region has experienced some of the highest growth rates in the world, with investments in skills playing a significant role in helping national economies to adjust to changes in
working practices, technology advancement, and challenges pertinent to globalization. In some countries, this process has been more successfully managed and significant advancements have been achieved in growth rates and employment levels, but in others it has resulted in stagnation of economic sectors, underemployment, rising unemployment levels and social exclusion for large sections of society.
The tools that are available for governments to manage changes must be capable of responding to the new opportunities posed by globalization and technology, yet at the same time, they should address domestic challenges associated with demographic shifts in population, increased urbanization and the in formalization of labor markets. The government in each country, together with, private sectors and
relevant stakeholders have tried to explore these complex issues and identified the main constraints facing employment growth in the region, and through an analysis of existing strategies which have been the most successful at generating sustainable employment. SEAMEO TED, in collaboration with its partners, co-organize an International Webinar on the important theme: “Employment Opportunity in the Asian Region: Perspectives of Private Sectors’’ and education specialists and subject matter experts (SMEs) from various countries will be invited to be guest speakers and share their perspectives, expertise, knowledge and best practices relevant to employment opportunities in the Asian region.
1. To share the production chain, skills needed, market demands and roadmap toward the employment opportunities.
2. To prepare fresh graduates ready to the world of work
3. To share the good practices and lessons learned, knowledge and insights on the employment opportunities;
4. To find out roles and responsibilities of training institutions and private sectors in generating and seeking employment opportunities;
5. To learn and benchmark the practices and strategies for implication in harmonizing skills needed and market demands.
Topic 1: Safeguarding Livelihood by Understanding Labour Economy and Skills
Topic 2: Observation on Current Trends, Issues, Challenges and Opportunities in Education
Topic 3: Analysis of China’s Employment Market in 2020
Topic 4: Job Opportunity and Readiness for Fresh Graduates Post Pandemic
Topic 5: Online Job Opportunity in the ICT and Business Process Management
Dr. Steven Mckee, CEO of Labtech International Ltd, Indonesia
Dr. McKee is the President Emeritus of World Didac Association (the largest international education industry association). He has been a member of the governing executive council of World Didac since 2012 and feels it is an honor, privilege and a duty to support Worlddidac so that it can grow and to have a larger impact on the world of education and to stimulate new innovation and adoption of forward looking practices to match with our changing world. Dr. McKee is the President and founder of Labtech International, Founded in 1985, Labtech is perhaps the oldest and certainly one of the largest technical education designers and manufacturers that is based in Asia. It is renowned for its educational innovation and has thousands of schools as clients in over 80 countries. Labtech’s latest work is in pioneering the intersection of digital learning and 21st century skills with Vocational Technical Education. This area has a great potential to improve the dynamics of teaching and learning for skills as well as reducing the cost of TVET education ar ound the world by virtualizing part of the learning process. He is recognized as being one of the leading global practitioners and innovators for TVET and digital learning. Dr. McKee has worked in international educational development for forty years and has published many articles on educational development, 21st century Learning, teaching and innovation in various academic and educational publications. He is also an advisor to several governments on implementation of new TVET programs to use technology for teaching and learning. In 2019 he 4spoke and participated in approximately 20 educational conferences and events worldwide. In 2020 he has participated in many online and virtual conferences talking about online and digital learning and providing real examples of how this can be done in the TVET sector.